High School Supervisor /
English Teacher
Licensed teacher
Master in Education - in progress
14 years teaching experience
Two of her children graduated from LBBCA
P.E. Teacher
Loves history but he loves most the God of history
Intermediate Supervisor /
Math Teacher
BS Elementary Education
15 years teaching experience
Served as a short-term missionary teacher to Sabah, Malaysia in 2010
Kindergaten Teacher
2 years teaching experience
Her two kids are currently attending LBBCA
Academy Principal
Specialist in Educational Leadership
BS Accountacy
Certified Public Accountant
MA in Biblical Counseling
MA in Business Administration
8 years with LBBCA
School Administrator /
Senior Pastor / Bible Teacher
BA in Youth Ministry
MA in Pastoral Studies
Serving the Lord since 2003
14 years with LBBCA
His two kids are currently attending LBBCA
Speech & Writing Teacher
BS in Secondary Education
MA in Dramatic Productions
14 years teaching education
Bible Teacher /
Reading Teacher
BA in Practical Christian Training
Missionary since 2006
11 years of teaching experience
Primary Teacher /
Computer / P.E. Teacher
Graduated from Crown College of the Bible with a degree in Missions with Teaching English as a Second Language and Structured Literacy
Short-term Missionary
1st year with LBBCA
Taekwondo Black-belter (2nd degree)
Assistant Pastor /
Bible Teacher
Bachelor in Religious Education
Bachelor of Theology
His two kids attended LBBCA
Youth Pastor / Bible Teacher
Bachelor of Divinity
MA in Biblical Studies - in progress